Results = Environment + Response

We just wrapped up the unique year of the century and are in the midst of reviewing the results from last year, while setting our future goals. Did you achieve the results/success you wanted? If yes, great job!  What made you achieve your goal? Is it the goal you set, is it the action you took, or something else? Feel free to share it in the comment section below.

But not everyone achieves their goals as planned or wanted.  When we don't get the desired results or outcome, we start wondering, is it because we didn't have enough resources or time, skill or technology? Was it the economy, or our manager or even our team that failed us? We always seek reasons for the failure and end up finding (or blaming) reasons external to us which usually satisfies our quest to defend the actions we took.  However, the reasons are almost always due to the action (or inaction) in response to the environment that resulted in the desired (or undesired) outcome. 

When we respond to a situation/environment, small or large, personal or professional, the action taken will decide the outcome. We always have the ability to control the actions we take. For example, we set our goals (personal and professional), then we take actions and alter them throughout the year(s) in response to the changing/challenging environments to achieve our goals. When we see the outcome (especially the undesired ones), finding reasons elsewhere may help us defend our actions. But the true reasons are within (individuals, a team, company or country) and the actions we took to get those results. 


If the economy or environment is to be blamed for undesired results, then everyone should be failing or getting the same results in a given ecosystem. But there are always individuals, teams, and companies that find ways to achieve their goals. So, environment is the constant for everyone in that ecosystem. The results may vary based on the response/action taken in that environment (an individual or team or company or country).   

Yoh Enterprise is a great example of responding to the environment properly to achieve the desired result.  While it was a rough learning experience, Yoh Enterprise is playing a significant role in Covid-19 testing and vaccine distribution to millions of people. Thanks to all the individuals/teams involved and, more importantly, the actions they took in response to the environment.

Results are directly proportional to the Response/Action we take in our Environment/Situation.  We must keep in mind the actions we took to achieve the (desired/undesired) results in the past and respond appropriately to the environment in order to achieve the results we desire in the future! 

So, set your goals appropriately, develop your strategies, and course correct them as needed with proper response and actions to achieve the desired results!

Wishing you all a healthy, productive and successful year ahead!


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Sankara “Vishi” Viswanathan

Sankara 'Vishi' Viswanathan is Senior Vice President of Business Services and Chief Information Officer for Day & Zimmermann, a leader in construction & engineering, staffing and defense solutions for leading corporations and governments around the world. Vishi brings more than twenty five years of experience in providing technology solutions, developing strategies, driving innovation and building talent. Since joining Day & Zimmermann in 2004, Vishi has held a series of progressively responsible positions to become the Chief Information Officer in 2014. Vishi holds an undergraduate degree in Mathematics from University of Madras and holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Villanova University.