Celebrating Military Appreciation Month

Military appreciation month is celebrated throughout every May as a symbol of sacrifice and solidarity. This month is for showing respect towards all the servicemen and women who have devoted their lives to protecting their country and its people. It is because of these people that we can enjoy our freedom as citizens. So on this Military Appreciation Month, pay your tribute to current and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces by showing acts of kindness and sharing lovely words. Below are a few suggested ways to show your support during Military Appreciation Month.

  1. If you are an employee of Day & Zimmermann, join VERG, or look for an employee resource group or support group within your organization. The Veterans Employee Resource Group (VERG) aims to drive initiatives and community involvement on behalf of the corporation to enhance the participation of Veterans in the Company's growth and success. All employees are welcome to join the VERG! 

  2. Say “Thank You.” The simplest way to support service members is to thank them for their service. According to the Blue Star Families 2022 Military Family Lifestyle Survey, only one-third of active-duty families feel a sense of belonging to their local civilian community. Help bridge that gap between the military and our local communities. 

  3. Send a message of support and encouragement to service members through the USO’s website.

  4. Send a Care Package. Sending care packages with items such as snacks and hygiene products lets service members know that the American people are thinking of them, even from thousands of miles away. 

  5. Support military spouses and families. Deployments are challenging for military families. Aside from being separated from their loved ones, military spouses must also shoulder household responsibilities alone. For military families with children, this can be even more difficult. Offer to cook a family dinner or pick up groceries. Even simply asking how they are doing can make a difference.


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