Safety in 2015: Six New Year's Resolutions

From Safety Outlook

In the minds of most businesses, dedication to safety is a prerequisite, not a bonus. This was confirmed by a study from the National Safety Council which found a significant positive correlation between customer satisfaction and the culture of safety within the servicing organization. Safety’s role is clearly about more than common sense; safety makes business sense as well.

So what does that mean for your safety program?

The New Year provides a great opportunity to take a good, long look at where your programs and processes stand. Are you just paying lip-service, or have you truly developed a culture woven through with safe mindsets and behaviors? Do employees understand that it’s about “safety first” 24/7 in the workplace, on the road and at home? For anyone who finds their approach lacking, or needing reinvigoration, included here are six safety resolutions for 2015 that offer steps in the right direction.

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